Matt Neff moves from the Navy Band to the North Carolina Symphony


Matt Neff retires after an illustrious 28-year career in both the United State Navy Band and the Navy Commodores, and begins his position as bass trombonist with the North Carolina Symphony. Neff graduated from PSU in 1992 with a degree Music Education, and directly began his career in the THE United States Navy Band in Washington D.C. at the age of 22. After 18 years in the concert band, Matt would move over to the Navy Commodores, the Navy’s premiere jazz ensemble. While in Washington, Neff joined the faculty of George Mason University, and he can add to this impressive resume by joining the famed North Carolina Symphony. A tribute to his remarkable talent and willingness to never settle, Matt Neff has accomplished something very special for his himself and his family, which includes his college sweetheart, Tricia Clark Neff and his their daughters, Sarah, Rachel, Eilish and Isabel. Congratulations, Matt!!
